Sicherer, stabiler und vielfältig einstellbarer Rollator. Die Bedienungsanleitung vor der Anwen-dung sorgfältig durchlesen. Dem Typenschild des DOLOMITE ALPHA BASIC können Sie alle technische Daten. Invacare Alpha Gehhilfe Spezial-Rollator mit Unterarmauflagen für Nutzer.

Breiter, tiefer Sitz; Pannensichere Alpha Basic Bereifung. View and Download Dolomite ALPHA BASIC instruction manual online. ALPHA BASIC Mobility Aid pdf manual download. The Alpha is a special walker designed specifically for users that have to deal with the added complexity of walking with arthritic or stroke conditions.
Rollator DOLOMITE ALPHA BASIC SH6 Unterarmaufl. Kostenlose Lieferung ab EUR direkt von Amazon. The Dolomite Alpha Basic walker is one of a range of walkers from Dolomite. It features all the necessary height, width and depth adjustments required to.
Dolomite Alpha advanced rehab walker allows a variety of adjustments which can be made to angle. Dolomite Alpha basic rehab walker with forearm supports. DOLOMITE ALPHA is a family of solutions giving added support for gait.

The Dolomite Alpha Rollator has padded armrests specifically designed for arthritis. Alpha Basic uses a loop brake handle that is squeezed for braking. The Dolomite rollators are modern or specialised and provide from three wheeled to. Infinite adjustable handleThe basic version of DOLOMITE ALPHA has all.
The Invacare Dolomite Alpha Basic Rollator comes packed with hollowed forearm supports ensuring the user is comfortable and height,width and depth. The Dolomite Alpha is a four wheeled walker with a comprehensive range of options that can provide additional support for differing conditions from arthritis.